Thursday, May 11, 2006

I really like watching this season of Apprentice…more than the other seasons. Probably because I have this inner competitive mode these past few months…so I like to see how the individuals compete with each other. I also love to see the group dynamics! Then I like to make comments about what each group did wrong. I had to do this paper for my interpersonal communication class on the movie “The Old Settler” with 4 other classmates. I absolutely hated it! After we completed our paper each of us had to write a paper on our interpersonal communications on this task. I went on and on about the show apprentice and how I would have probably been fired the first show. During the week or so we had to work on the paper no one totally got my ideas!! I would say something which I thought made absolute sense but everyone else was like “hmmm..I guess so…but let’s come up with something else.” It was so frustrating! I really don’t like teamwork…I like to be assigned a task and be left alone or I like to be the leader and be in a setting where I could develop my own ideas with my group members behind me. My Ideas!

I always thought that I would love to have a group…be in a group…but I just love to be left alone! Probably I get so attached to people that soon they become attached to me…and then I want to move away from this hold…or something of this nature! I don’t conform nor do I like the feeling that I need to conform. You could be in a group and not conform but then are you really in the group?

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