Monday, February 27, 2006

Busy bee...........

busy with school and work. I need a break! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
One more day...and it's March already. Yikes!
time is flying by.
Wish I had more exciting things to say...but this is it. ohh well...

Monday, February 20, 2006

I do magic at work.

Working for the same company as my sister can have its days. When employers come into my building they’ll stare at me for a moment dumbfounded. When I first started working there this would bother me. Some would not walk through the doors until they are sure of what they are seeing.

What’s their problem: Supposedly almost 90% of those my sister and I have encountered say my sister and I look so much alike… they can’t believe it.

You should see them: They would have just visited my sister’s building and coming to mine. When I see them approaching me…I’ll simile…and they’ll give me this look and stop in their tracks. I would laugh but will not say why. They’ll stay a little further than usual and ask me “Do you have a sister at the next building”. Yes, I do…she’s working there right now. They’ll come closer (verified I wasn’t a ghost) and tell me that I look just like her. They’ll walk away still staring at me with their confusion.

This is same story my sister tells me.

This is surprising to both of us because we don’t look alike. Maybe we are so focused on the opposites that we don’t notice the similarities we have.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

no thanks..

I thought I wanted to buy some clothes this weekend…since a lot of the stores have their winter items on clearance. It didn’t occur to me how much clothes I have until I started to clean my closet. Once all my clothes were out of the closet it was a massive pile of brightly colored shirts, skirts, and jeans. I am completely turned off from buying clothes…for at least a month if not shorter…HA!.

Random post..

sxc image
--Brrrrrrr (is that how it sounds) when is REALLY REALLY cold! My car wouldn't start for like 30 seconds and it completely scared me! I would hate to have car problems right much money! I miss snow..we haven't really had any.

My photography professor keeps telling the class "When it snows, go out with your camera,adjust the shutter speed, and you'll be amazed how the pictures turn out". I am waiting to try this.

My first project in this class I got 91/100. I was completely shocked! Compared to my classmates pictures..I thought mine were just average. But my professor thought otherwise.

I am really excited about my next project...I will write more about this in the upcoming week.

I am so excited about the new Oprah mission "America's:Debt Diet" or something like that. I caught their first show on this and it looks really educational. Families work with money experts...while the expert actually live in their houses. Ohh how fun!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Thanks for calling Montel.

Early morning I woke up to my cell phone going off.
It was The Montel William Show calling me about the tickets I requested.
I was excited about them calling me but now I am wondering
do I really want to attend?
I guess it’ll be exciting to be on TV.
If I could get couple of us interested in attending then it may be fun.
How fun can Montel be..really?
haha. We will see.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Roses are red....Violets are...

I was looking through the Star Tribune and found this article on how to lengthen life of a bouquet. I used to put Aspirin in vases but the writer says that it doesn’t work! It surprised me that Aspirin doesn’t help at all not to mention pennies, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages. Nada.

------------*Here are some suggestions to prolong life of a bouquet.*--------------

--Floral preservative that comes with almost all flowers does extend life for several days.
--Scrub the inside of the vase so it’s squeaky clean
--Recut stems while holding them in stream of warm water so air doesn’t plug tiny vessels.
--Make cuts on an angle so doesn’t sit flat on the bottom
--Place flowers in cool location out of sunlight
--Replace water when they start to look cloudy and cut stems again

Article written by Deb Brown

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hello Gorgeous!

image from

Has anyone seen those Dove commercials? Especially the commercial with this woman…who is absolutely gorgeous by the way! Dove, global beauty brand, recently started a campaign to raise self-esteem in girls/woman all over the world. By doing campaigns with real women who have real curves they hope to widen the definition of what it means to be beautiful. It’s a great start and I am sure is going to get people talking about the stereotypes placed on women and their beauty.

great dinners-courtesy of my dad

I been having great dinners the past few days. We had the usual sunday dinners...Sundays are the days my dad cooks about 5 curries, rice, baked chicken and whatever else we are craving for. But on monday and tuesday of this week he has been making dosas and wonderful sambar.

The thing about making dosa and sambar is that is a lot of work...atleast it seems for us because there's barely anytime to cook and would be a lot easier to just order something. So when my dad makes Sri Lankan foods it usually will last for atleast two days if not more. Taste just as wonderful though because we cook it everyday..but have everything prepared days in advance.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


You might walk into New York museums or any museums and think…I could have done this…a monkey could’ve done this…

And that’s art.

Me and the guy that was sitting by me:
(Uncontrollable laughing)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

where is the party? I need one.

These days I feel like the most exciting thing I have done this hat! I know..How boring is that?!? Must work on getting out more. Monday to friday worry about classes. Once Friday hits worry about getting to bed on time to get to work on Saturday and Sunday...

I was so suprised how my picture turned out with my instructor advising me to use 200 speed film. I haven't used 200 for 10 years...we usually spend a bunch with 800 speed. 200 worked wonderful and I can't wait to go into class to show my pictures! One thing about digital camera is that there is no excitement to see how your picture turns out..because you could see it the second you take a picture.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Had a fantastic time tutoring.

I was the only one who showed up and 5 kids with math problems! It was awesome to go from teaching 3rd math to 12th grade math all in 2 hours. The 12th grader asked questions that would take me one hour to figure out...but with so many others waiting I wasn't able to spend that much time with her. All of them asked if I came every day of the week...I wish! It made me think as I was walking out of the library that everyone should volunteer at something! Most of the kids know what to do but like most in math they need assurance that they are going about a problem correctly...

I am staying away from pop as much as I can. When the day is long and I need something SO GOOD..this is what I been getting...SNAPPLE juice drink! so good!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

fortune anyone?

I am getting so annoyed with fortune cookies that are not telling fortune. Like today I opened my fortune cookie and got "Finally, it is accepted as self-evident". What is this mean?
To anyone else... is this fortune?
Who is making these non-fortune cookies?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I was ready to put these babies
on and go out of the house...
but they HURT so much...
what's the deal?
Maybe today was not a day to try on new boots.
Shall try again tomorrow. :-)