Saturday, February 18, 2006

Random post..

sxc image
--Brrrrrrr (is that how it sounds) when is REALLY REALLY cold! My car wouldn't start for like 30 seconds and it completely scared me! I would hate to have car problems right much money! I miss snow..we haven't really had any.

My photography professor keeps telling the class "When it snows, go out with your camera,adjust the shutter speed, and you'll be amazed how the pictures turn out". I am waiting to try this.

My first project in this class I got 91/100. I was completely shocked! Compared to my classmates pictures..I thought mine were just average. But my professor thought otherwise.

I am really excited about my next project...I will write more about this in the upcoming week.

I am so excited about the new Oprah mission "America's:Debt Diet" or something like that. I caught their first show on this and it looks really educational. Families work with money experts...while the expert actually live in their houses. Ohh how fun!

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