Grrr..I am feeling something I can’t even describe. Its annoyance, anger, and frustration all wrapped into one…frugeroynce. So the question I get a lot is “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” And this question is said with a facial expression of sad/confusion.
Ohh my gosh! I really have to tell everyone, especially people who don’t even know me , who the hell cares? Is it really that important? When did women start to think that their lives are not completely fulfilled without a man or just any jerk to call a boyfriend?
My roommate asks me this question almost every week...especially when I come back from the library late at night. She probably thinks I am so pathetic to be spending few hours at the library. I usually say “I don’t know” and just try to actually get some meaningful work done.
Sometimes I just can’t even have conversations with people about topics that I have no concern with or because their lack of English will take me one hour to explain something that can be normally understood in 2 seconds. I don’t have that much patience when people can’t even have a conversation yet they take 3 hours to put on makeup everyday and make it their fulltime job to find a boyfriend. okay...a little off the topic.
One of the things that really annoyed me and I still remember this event very well:
To be a nice roommate I actually sat facing her and we talked about this “boyfriend” topic. Somehow I thought I could explain why having a boyfriend is the last thing on my mind...and I don't wake up to find a boyfriend. I mean I do pay attention to the opposite sex but I don’t look at them and think “I wish he could be my boyfriend…I need a boyfriend..…Please, please, please!”
Just to be amusing I asked her this question. What would change about me if I had a boyfriend?And you know what she did! She said “I would walk around all day with a huge smile on my face—all the time.” And she gave me the biggest smile that I have ever seen and held that simile for about a minute.
Puke…not at her smile (I am not that mean) but at her answer!
She also has a boyfriend back home and who knows where else. Oh yea, the first thing she asked me when we first met was “how are the guys here?” How could I even answer this question. Does one particular place have one particular breed? Isn’t the world filled with men who are nice, romantic, jerks, man-whores, etc…you get the picture. And is not like I got a report on all the men here to come up with a paragraph to describe them.
So I said “they are nice”
…good night.”
Why women need to feel like they need men in their life.
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