What’s going on with people? Why do some think it is okay to be rude just because two words are mumbled before the “rude incident” takes place? EXCUSE ME!
I was at the store yesterday just browsing at tops. This girl, I really don’t want to use the word girl rather I would prefer to use the B word, but I’ll refrain from it. She was working and I was browsing. She consistently, maybe about 7 times during the few minutes I was in the aisle, coming into and out the aisle. First few times she slightly bumped into me and she didn’t say anything. So, I made effort to move few of the times but after the 3rd time I had enough. My aggressive side unfolded. I barely moved the next time so she said “excuse me.” in a sarcastic tone. This continued for a few times then finally She had to come right where I was browsing and started to adjust the hangers.
I said “isn’t there a better time for you to do that? I am looking at this section right now.” The girl said “I said excuse me didn’t I? If you didn’t want me to do this you should have not moved.” I said “Oh yea! Maybe you should have some manners.” The girl said something and walked away. I was pissed! Then she started to tell her friends about the incident!
Then I look up and from across the room there were group of guys just staring and smiling at me. Not cool.
So today I just had to call and complain to the manager. I told her what occurred last night and what the girl looked liked. Unfortunately I didn’t get the name of the girl---so manager said she will try to find who it was.
What a big B! The girl...right!.
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