Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hello...from INDIAN ASHLEY?!?!

One my friends NOW, when we first started talking, had a name for me which was not Tharsica (well duh). It was Indian Ashley! What the hell…right? Because I didn’t have a strong Indian accent that was the name she had given me. I thought it was all funny.

College is busy. I am getting so comfortable with everyone in my building so much now! Too bad it took two months and just when I am looking for an apartment close by campus to move to. :-(

I need my own space but I am definitely going to miss the community feeling and tons of people to talk to.

I wish I lived on campus the beginning of college. I regret this a lot now. If I wasn’t taking so many upper level classes…I could have had a lot of fun.

Went to a club on Friday. So much fun. It was fun to dance. I requested (begged) for three songs from the DJ:

Sexy back
Promiscuous girl
And Shake your money maker.

Men who have a little too much to drink want to hold your hands a lot….hahaha…

Your looks do give the first impression----your never know how people are receiving you.

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