Friday, April 28, 2006

moments are lost....

I just checked my grade for this major paper I had to write. We had so much time to do it …but if you know me well…I waited till’ the last minute to even think about it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So I knew the grades were posted today and I hesitantly checked it so maybe it’ll give me some time to beg my professor for a rewrite. But guess what everyone!! I got a high B! Yea! It was a tough paper overall and I just can’t believe with how much time I dedicated to it…I got a solid B!
So its showing up…doing something…the half the glory?

My karate class finished…and I miss all my girls from that class! Having a great group to laugh throughout the semester…was so much fun!!! We helped each other out and provided encouragement…which I needed badly!! I miss them!

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