Today the group that I went to New York City with got together for the last time. We all had to make some kind of artistic project that reflected a focus about our trip! It was definitely fun to get together, share jokes, and bizarre stories that happened on the trip. Few of the smaller groups have their own little inside jokes that only they could laugh at. My small group consists of 3 other people and we sure do have our own…”REMEMBER THAT..*wink*”…look.
A Friday was our last full day in NYC before we had to catch our flight on Saturday afternoon! So 4 of us knew this was our last night and needed to let loose. That Friday my friend and I took the taxi to Chinatown and one of our friends called to tells us we should go to a club later that night! I barely go to clubs in Minnesota but what’s a NYC trip without clubbing.
The four of us managed to meet at our hotel at 11:30 p.m. after we did our final shopping and whatnot. We got to the streets (city that never sleeps…so imagine the streets…I mean full of activity…as it was noon). Unfortunately we took the taxi from our hotel without thinking about what we were wearing. Of the group…my friend and I were the most dressed up…(I had heels on which became unbearable at about 4:30 A.M. )so we could get into any clubs but our two guy friends had old tennis shoes on…so there was no way to get into the “dress code” clubs.
We weren’t shy…and we stopped and asked other club goers…streets full of them…where we could go clubbing. Some laughed at us about our tennis shoes but most were really nice about letting us know where to go.
After a few taxi rides we finally got in line at this club… For some reason…some scary, big, did I say scary looking guy found out we were from Minnesota. So the entire time we were waiting in line this guy just kept making fun of Minnesotans and I kept telling my friends…let’s go somewhere else…I don’t feel like getting in any kind of trouble… with this SCARY guy.
But nope…Minnesotans don’t give up…do we now…so I hesitantly paid $25 at the door and went in.
The club was amazing, fun people, wild people, and loud people!!! There were about four floors, each had their own themes!
IT WAS THE BEST TIME I HAD! We had a mutual understanding that all four of us were going to stick together. I think we danced like we had something to prove…that people were copying what we were doing! We were jumping around in our little circle…with our hands up… for 10 minutes and before I knew it the whole room was doing what we were doing!
We knew that we needed to leave NYC in less than a day so we wanted to get everything out of that city…and in someway we were using the dance floor to let go and take it all in at the same time. We needed to go back to our everyday lives…and NYC will eventually become a dream…this moment will become a dream.
We didn’t get back to the hotel till’ 5:30 A.M. (my feet were numb from all the dancing…) and at 8:00 A.M. needed to turn the keys in for our hotel room. What a night/Morning!!!
We did a lot of “REMEMBER THAT ” looks today…and I am glad I have this memory/experience with only three others.
The best things are unplanned.



Pictures of people who worked in the members looking for them days after 9/11...

Picture taken on top of the Empire State Building.