What time did you get up this morning? 9:45
Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Devil Wears Prada?
What is your favorite TV show? The office, Veronica Mars
What do you usually have for breakfast? Banana and coffee
Favorite foods? my dad's cooking, Sri Lankan cooking, sandwiches, salmon
What is your favorite chip flavor? Onion or the baked plain chips
What is your favorite CD at the moment? tamil songs...
Favorite sandwich? Chicken sandwich at Cheesecake Factory, Subway: tuna
What characteristic do you hate? controlling, talking but no action.
Favorite clothing item or outfit? Skirts, and a comfortable top
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be?
There is so many places to see...Anywhere..if I had to choose one place now maybe India...there is just too many different people, climate, languages in this one country alone.
Which do you prefer lake, ocean or river? Ocean
What color is your bathroom? White and blue
Favorite brand of clothing? I do not pay attention to brand.
Where would you retire to? where family is
Favorite sport to watch on TV? Soccer
Furthest place you are sending this? Canada
Goals you have for yourself? Find my passion and be the best at it, create something that is meaningful to others, work hard
Who do you least expect to send this back to you? I think everyone will send it back to me....haha.
Person you expect to send it back first? Hard to say...
When is your birthday? June 15th
Favorite flowers? roses - pink and orange roses
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night night night!!!
What did you want to be when you were little? teacher and a cashier
How are you today? tired
What time do you usually go to bed at night? 2
What brings you the most happiness? Travel, working hard, completion
What is a date on your calendar you are looking forward to? September 4th
Your worst fear? Not having fun or adventure in my life, not learning something new everyday, loosing curiosity
Do you have a favorite Halloween candy? butterfinger
Favorite drink? mango
Any pets? nope