Got my left nostril pierced a week ago. It hurt so much that when I came out of the room I was in tears. Not that I was crying because of the pain but it was just automatic tears. The lady kept telling me to take a deep breath..and I did...but because of the pain I couldn't exhale till' I was out of the room.
My boss gave me some trouble about it though. He said is against company policies. I am wondering if they are going to fire me because of my nose ring. Is so small you can't even see it? I am just gonna fight to keep it till' they tell me otherwise. I just need about six months to heal it then I could take it off for work. I wonder if they'll give me six months? I am sure the big man is going to be calling me tomorrow...I hope he doesn't leave a message at home about this because my parents would be concerned. My boss likes a confrontation but i refused to give it to him. He gets all his energy when people make him mad so I thought I'll be smart about this situation. I want to keep my nose ring for six months...that's not going help me if I get him mad. I guess is his job to tell me and he did. grrrrrrrrr...job well done. No hard feeling.
I am just going to fight it...hopefully the fight last six months :0) Must write a letter about this to my boss tomorrow and explain the situation.
conversation of the week:
I am little annoyed when people meet me they ask if I am Hawaiian.
No I am not.
I am from Sri Lanka.
Where is Sri Lanka?
Now go away and stop flirting with me :0) I am not interested. haha
I want to travel to South Africa. I met some people from my class and they been telling me so much about it. My look of Africa is lions everywhere and people with face paintings. How clueless am I ... ? My friends describe it to be so beautiful and just hearing them talk about Africa makes me want to go.
Was it snow I saw today? May 1st SNOW? But then it was raining..
1 comment:
hey tess, it's so wierd yesterday, while i was driving to southdale, first i thought it was raining but then it was too white, so i guessed it was snow and then i thought i saw hail. i don't know i'm all confused. anyway, south africa does sounds fun, i read this book in junior high it's called "waiting for the rain," it does a pretty good job in depicting the country even though it's fiction. (it's about a boy conflicting with apartheid). easy read.
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