Thursday, January 06, 2005

Is that English?!?

I was recently watching CNN at work...amidst all the Tsunami coverage they had a brief talk about the American language. PBS aired a three hour series on the many different ways Americans speak the language. During the three minutes interview with Robert MacNeil he mentioned that Oxford Dictionary had to have a office in New York just for collecting all the new words that are being invented in the U.S.. I wanted to watch it but unfortunately i missed it: Here's the site

Some quotes from the site:

"Americans invent more words and phrases in a month than other English speaking nations do in a year."

"Social scientists estimate the number of varieties of American English range from a basic three - New England, Southern and Western/General America - to 24 or more. Some researchers suggest the number is actually much higher."

  • There's so much information so check out the site! I know if I go to another country and speak the way I do with my friends...I probably wouldn't find the way out of the airport. haha

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