I couldn't find a picture of an Asian police officer...
I was pulled over by an Asian police officer...I don't know why I just expected it would be a white guy...so I was surprised to see an Asian cop. I should of known that today there would be a lot of cops out there just waiting to catch some drunk drivers! Well, I was not a drunk rather a speeder. As I looked back and saw the lights flashing...my thought was "Wow, finally it is happening to me...after all these years of not getting pulled over...the day has finally arrived." So police officer approached my vehicle.
Asian cop with sunglasses:He asked if I knew why he pulled me over....
me (confused):
hmmmmm....I don't know.......Officer....why did you?
Asian cop with sunglasses:He stated that on a 40 mph road I was going 53 and my speed was climbing..
Me (surprised):really.....wow........missed my exit to work because of construction.......then I took a left when I should have taken a right.....I am late for work.......I don't know.....I am late for work....its so hot....only worked at this location just for a month...I am still getting used to this area.....hmmmmmm...
He left to check my information out.
Since I never been pulled over before he just gave me a warning...and told me to watch my speed.
As I was driving away I wondered if I should have asked him if he was Korean and watched any Korean dramas. But I think that would have been a little inappropriate...its not like we were talking about coolest places to hang out, movies we liked to watch, summer plans....I mean this dude was pretty serious and had a gun plus lots of other dangerous and hurtful things to spray/hit me with.