Tuesday, March 28, 2006
still alive...
Busy Busy with Life!
Whatever happened to those days when I had nothing to do!
I woke up in the morning and LOOKED for something to do rather then NEEDING to do!
is this what growing up holds?
Had dinner with my cousin after a long time! It was great to catch up on old times and laugh about the foolish things we used to do! Silly things: Like walking to the window at the Burger King drive thru one late night 6 or 8 years ago! Why: Because my sister got mad at us and wouldn't drive the damn car to pick up our orders!
I am excited for Thursday to come...(more on this later)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Cute little monkeys!
When I was in chinatown in NYC I got these little cute monkeys. I just thought they were adorable and the price was good. I didn't realize what these little moneys stood for until I got home and showed it to my sister.
monkey #1: ears covered
monkey #2: eyes covered
monkey #3: mouth covered
This wall hanging stood for: 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil'.
“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” is a common phrase, usually used to describe someone who doesn’t want to be involved in a situation. But where did the saying originate?
Unfortunately, no one knows for sure how it evolved. Because the saying is typically associated with three monkeys one covering his eyes, one covering his ears, and the other covering his mouth it is believed that the saying may have its origin in a 17th century temple in Japan.
The Nikko Toshogo Shrine, also known as the Sacred Stable, in Japan has a carving of three wise monkeys. Many scholars believe the monkeys were carved as a visual representation of the religious principle, “If we do not hear, see, or speak evil, we ourselves shall be spared all evil.”
Others believe that the saying originated from a Japanese play on words. “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” translated into Japanese is, “mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru.” The Japanese word for monkey is “saru”, and sounds very similar to the verb-ending “zaru”. It is easy to see how the saying may have originated from a fun play on words. The only problem with this explanation is that the three wise monkeys aren’t originally from Japan.
In the eighth century A.D. a Buddhist monk from China introduced the three wise monkeys to Japan. They were associated with a fearsome blue-faced deity called Vadjra. It is believed that the monkeys’ gestures were a representation of a command of the deity to “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
Just as there is disagreement about the origin of the phrase, there are differing explanations of the meaning of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” Some contend that it is a proverb reminding us not to be so snoopy, so nosy, and so gossipy. Others say that it is a warning to stay away from places where immoral acts are taking place. Whatever the origin and meaning of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” it is one of the most visual phrases in existence.
Wow, who knew there is actually a conference held for those who collect these!
Mahatma Gandhi had very few possessions. One of the few were a set of these monkeys.
Mahatma Gandhi
I love my purchase!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
having a strong desire for success or achievement : requiring full use of your abilities or resources; "ambitious schedule"; "performed the most challenging task without a mistake"
Lately I have been thinking how important curiosity is to knowledge.
Curiosity and knowledge go hand in hand. You won’t get one without the other. More knowledge—more curiosity.
There is so much information in the world and I am fortunate enough to be able to get whatever knowledge I want. I don’t live in a world that prevents me from exploring…everything is in front of me. So many libraries, professors, EVERYTHING.
No excuses. As Abhi would say “excuses are like assholes…everyone has them.”
I don’t want to ignore an event because I am not interested in it, too lazy to ask questions about it, or no time to wander about it. I want to get interested…and not wait for someone else to do something.
Knowledge: The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.
When I was younger I was curious and ambitions. I would get so excited to bring books from the library, tackle a math problem, know the world. If I had a question I would need to know the answers right away…I would stay up all night to ponder a question.
I would bike to the library and do my own research to get the question answered.
But that slowly declined.
I still have these tendencies but they don’t show up a lot.
But now I want to know the tedious of information.
Curiosity a state in which you want to learn more about something something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting
Everything is tied in. By doing the best you learn more and more. By giving yourself 100% to a task in front of you…you get the best you can out of yourself. With doing the best…it’s like a drug… you want this feeling more and more. You refuse to do a half ass job when you know that by applying yourself a few minutes more you can get the best result.
This is going to be a tough challenge...but I'll try it.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
click on the picture for a bigger version:

Clothing bargains for millionaires...would I dare to walk in? NO!
Night life taken from a restaurant that my friends and I were having dinner at...I got to talking to the waiter about his life in New York City...he wants to be an actor..who doesn't in NYC?

New York City was fantastic!
There is too much to tell and too many pictures to sort.
The only time I missed Minnesota was on the plane ride back...which was only about three hours..but seemed like 20. Had SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loved the city!
be back with more later.

Every block...I had to stop for about 10 times to take pictures..of everything. Beautiful buildings..just normal things seemed like picture worthy.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Before and After

The moment I saw my "before" pictures of my long hair...I missed it.
Even though every morning it was a struggle to managae it, took way too long to wash it, and I ran late all the time...I miss it.
ohh well...I hope it grows longer soon...so I could cut it..and then regret it. haha
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Some things, you learn to expect, growing up a girl.
"You expect to confront harrassment as surely as the sun in May and the fog in a Delhi December."
Great post: Check it out
Friday, March 03, 2006
A Delight!
Went out to have dinner at Patrick's. The food is fresh and tastes great! The cafe is so beautiful and SO relaxing. It’s a simple place yet so beautiful. When I was standing to order I wanted everything that was available...YUM!
It's so nice to have a cafe like this close to home!
Check out the site and the gallery of heaven!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I did some shopping today. It was fantastic! I haven't really done any serious shopping for months and today everything I tried on fitted so well!
I was browsing through bags...and every bag I checked out were LIZ CLAIBORNE'S.
I decided I needed a treat... so I got the bag on top, two boots that were 1/2 prized, and some tops.
I deserve it. Work too hard and no play? NO WAY!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Wanted to relax and do NOTHING tonight..so the result is:
My Birthdate: June 15
You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things.
You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle.
Making the little things wonderful is important to you, and you probably have an inviting home.
You seek harmony with others, but occasionally you have a very stubborn streak. (I guess so..haha)
Your strength: Your intense optimism
Your weakness: You shy away from exploring your talents ( Not really shy..okay maybe..but lately I am interested in everything...and I am pursuing what I want...)
Your power color: Jade
Your power symbol: Flower
Your power month: June
What Your Sleeping Position Says: Sleeping on your back
You have a passion for everything - including sleeping.
Outgoing and brash, you tend to still shock those who know you well.
You tend to be selfish. You are the most likely type to hog the covers.
You gravitate toward comfort and don't like extreme situations.
Your Hidden Talent |
You have the power to persuade and influence others. You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! |
thank god it was just a paper...
I sat in horror.
I couldn’t concentrate, I didn’t know how to express my feelings, I just sat in front of my computer without moving.
How could I have done this?
I just found out that I turned in my rough draft as my final copy. How could this be? How could I be this careless? I was shocked. I really loved the way the paper turned out because a terrific writer helped me correct it on a Saturday morning (you know who you are).
I just can’t believe this.
It made me just…………………………………………..sit there……….
Mistakes. Even if you don’t intend it…it happens…or is this accident?
Thank God this was just a paper and I have the option of revising it (I’ll turn in my final) but what if this was something else. I could live with this (for a moment I thought I wouldn’t) but imagine all those people who unknowingly made a mistake that they couldn’t take back.
They have to sit there staring at themselves without any way to correct it.
Sometimes you summit something into this world, thinking it’s your best work, but life plays with you. Silly mistakes, one click, one second of an action, and that’s all.
That’s all it takes. Life is unpredictable.
To step that one moment back and change.