I spent most of my day at
Archiver's-The Photo Memory Store. There were so many people working for hours on their scrapbook! First off I didn't know there were so many people interested in scrapbooking. Most people must be experts because their scrapbook was about 500 pages while mine is like 15!!! They kept looking at my scrapbook because they definitely knew I was a beginner! It was almost like a race to finish pages!! When you see people come into this workroom they look like they are going to the airport because everyone has suitcases of scrapbooking stuff that they bring.
The store itself is fabulous! They have quiet a bit of stuff you could use for free and if you need something you could get it at the store. The unique part about it is that when you first go in you could start an account for that day and when you pick up stuff you just let the cashier know and once you are all done for that day you pay. This makes it more relaxing so you don't have to go with your wallet every time you need a sticker.. :-) if you are into stickers.
My 15 page work of art is somewhat unique compared to the others. I don't like buying everything pre-made and just sticking it to the pages. No fun in that for me...but it saves a lot of time to do this...
I rather make it my own not something someone working at Archiver's could put together.
It was great to see people spending so much time on what they are passionate about.
you are never alone in this world.